Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Blogs for Writers That Students Can Certainly Make Use Of

10 Blogs for Writers That Students Can Certainly Make Use Of 10 Blogs for Writers That Students Can Certainly Make Use Of Some people are just blessed with a gift for writing – all they have to do is to sit down in front of their computer and they’re able to effortlessly pen engaging content that draws you in and keeps you hooked all of the way to the end. Â   But not everyone shares this talent, although most people are surprised to find out that becoming a better writer is much easier than they thought. You don’t need to be born with a penchant for words to be able to create powerful, A+ research papers and essays – you just need to have the right set of resources in your corner. To help you in your quest to become a better, more effective writer, we’ve put together a list of ten blogs for writers that are great for students as well: Copyblogger : for more than a decade, Copyblogger has been equipping readers with the skills they need to create powerful content that people are actually interested in. The Write Practice: they say that practice makes perfect, and that’s why The Write Practice offers convenient 15-minute-a-day lessons that will quickly improve your vocabulary and writing skills. Helping Writers Become Authors: focused primarily on creative writing, Helping Writers Become Authors provides great insight into creating intriguing storylines, scenes, and character backgrounds. Goins, Writer: the blog of a bestselling author, Jeff Goins, Goins, Writer assists its readers in finding topics that they’re passionate about and then using their knowledge and experience to make a living from their writing. ProBlogger: as one of the leading blogs for writers, aimed at helping new bloggers find their voice and increase their readership, ProBlogger provides a plethora of writing resources including comprehensive ebooks and training courses. Writers and Authors: aimed at helping creative writers hone their skills and network with other authors, Writers and Authors has been publishing literary reviews, author interviews, and writing guides since 2006. Live Write Thrive: a professional writer and editor, C.S. Lakin, founded Live Write Thrive to help other novel writers create intriguing content that draws readers into their books and keeps them hooked the entire way – a must for any creative writer. Daily Writing Tips: if you’re searching for a quick and easy way to improve your writing skills, Daily Writing Tips is a have-to read. That’s because every day they publish a new article designed to tackle a specific writing issue – from creating structure to choosing the perfect synonym. Grammar Girl: without a doubt one of the most referenced blogs for writers out there, Grammar Girl, should be the go-to resource for all of your academic writing and stylistic needs. The Procrastiwriter: the procrastination is a dangerous habit which affects both professional writers and students alike. That’s where The Procrastiwriter steps in, offering helpful advice for overcoming a lack of focus or motivation in your writing There you have it – our helpful list of the top 10 blogs for professional essay writers that can be valuable to students as well. By reading through – and regularly following – these ten websites, you’re bound to see an improvement in your writing ability in no time. And who knows – maybe you’ll even discover that blogging is a secret talent, one that you can even leverage professionally once you’re finished with your studies.

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